Thursday, April 16, 2009

One bubble at a time

Everything has stressed me out lately.
From the smallest of, "Does the trash need to go out?" to disciplining the kids.
It was time for a time out for MOM.

I feel amazing, one bubble at a time.

Tonight, after I put Lincoln to bed, I decided it was time for a bubble bath.

*** Really hot water
*** Candles
*** No lights
*** No music

And I feel amazing. Rejuvenated and refreshed.

Go and have yourself a bubble bath!!!!!


Sher said...

I love bubble baths. I don't get them very often.
By the way, thanks for coming by to visit.

AiringMyLaundry said...

That sounds wonderful. I need a bubble bath.

Unknown said...

I LOVE bubble baths and take them frequntly in my old claw foot tub.

Good on you! Try taking them as often as you can.

Hit 40 said...

Love a bath too!!

I have a huge garden tub. I enjoy filling it up for my youngest to swim.

It is soo big that I have to prefill it with superhot water. Walk away. Then, come back 15 min later to actually take the bath when more hot water is ready.

I do this maybe once a month in the winter when I am chilled to the bone? Very wasteful!! But Fun.

gigi said...

I hate a bath, I'm not sure why. But I love to stand in a really hot shower untill it gets cold. That is peaceful to me.

Congratulations you took care of mom.

More Than Words said...

That sounds so refreshing right now!!!! I'll have to do that for myself real soon!!!

Oh, I'm so glad you're going to join in on the meme!!!! I'm excited!!

If you want to add my button to your blog, just copy the code that's under my button, then go to your blog and go to your DASHBOARD. From there, click on ADD GADGET and then choose ADD HTML Code. Then, choose PASTE to put that code you copied in the square box..and then save!!

LEt me know if you need mor help!!

for the love of pictures said...

I've never really been a bubble bath person but, after this week, I have to say that that sounds divine.

I tagged you in a post kimmiekat :) Check it out @