Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Are you constantly Saying No???

Do you find yourself saying no no no more than anything else to your toddler?
I have a one year old and he pushes limits like no other. When I am home alone with him, we do fairly well. I redirect him and distract him easily. But when everyone is home, all we hear is no no no. It literally sounds like a broken record. I am trying to break everyone of the habit...Or at least expand it to a full sentence encompassing what we are saying no about.
Language is one of the biggest factors in how we learn.
I am trying to get the older children to realize that a one year old can understand. It may not all sink in at one time, but the understanding is there.
Instead of just yelling no when he hits, I am trying to get them to say, "It is not OK to hit." At the same time to hold his hand so he is unable to hit while you explain this.
Right now it feels like an impossibility.
Slowly but surely we will get it worked out.