Tuesday, April 21, 2009

He's Human Again

So, I decided to take away the phone...For the most part.

Once Nathaniel gets home from school, he's a 13 year old freshman in High school, he looses his phone. Once he shows proof that all homework is done, he has put an effort into studying, has read for 30 minutes and done his chores...He can have his phone from 8-9pm.

I was overridden by text messages and I just couldn't handle how much it was consuming his time.

And guess what, he is human again!

He socializes with the family, he is not so irritable and he smiles.
Can you believe it, he actually smiles. I never thought I would see the day!

Needless to say, I think this rule will maintain implements for quite some time.

No more text message frenzies!


Sultan said...

He is taking it well. I would have been pouting massively no doubt.

kimmiekat said...

I expected the pout, but so far so good.
All in a days work :)

Unknown said...

All the experts say that children need and expect discipline; guess you just proved them right!

Anonymous said...

Youngsters and their phones. It's really annoying, but I think you've done the right thing. Glad he didn't take it too hard.

Unknown said...

That's fantastic! Family bonding is much more important than cell phone time.

Gosh, I hate how kids text so much anymore. Every time they do, I want to rip their little fingers off lol.

Teaching is going to be interesting for me.

Tara said...

We're going through the same thing... Texting no longer exists in our home....GONE!

scrappysue said...

i have discovered that as far as teenagers and cellphones are concerned, setting hard and fast rules right at the beginning is the ONLY way to keep a handle on it! it can so easily get out of control. i feel for ya!