Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obsessed with Texting!!!

I just don't get it. Obsessed with texting. My 13 year old is obsessed with his phone. Does anyone speak to each other anymore?
So often I just let it go, but lately it has gotten to the point where I have to put my foot down. How ridiculous to have to discipline due to a phone.
Last night he was doing his homework and texting at the same time. My husband spoke to him about it and how he shouldn't be using his phone while he was doing his homework. All I heard was the aftermath.... I decided to back up my husband. I very calmly said, "you should not be using your phone while you are doing your homework." His response made me laugh. I'm not doing homework, I'm doing review. I wasn't aware that they were two different things.
I very calmly explained that I would remove his phone from his possession if he continued to use it while doing any type of school work. I then reminded him that I would continue to stick to the no phone rule between 5-7pm since he was unable to respect authority the first time.
Talk about being the evil one......
Mom is always the bad guy!!!


Hit 40 said...

I am also the mean one at my house. My 14 year old texts nonstop!!!

kimmiekat said...

At least I know I am not alone, thank you