Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sex Sells

Then and Now, what a difference.

I am 36 and things were so much different when I was younger.

I can remember when the sideshot of a breast on TV was taboo. Now you see nudity all day and night long. Commercials are geared towards sexual references. Condom ads, STD ads etc are on all day long.

It is funny how we wonder why the average age of sex is 12 years old. Kinda scary for all of you with children huh…. We wonder how that is and yet, we advertise it and shove it down their throats all day long. Mainstream media is full of sex. Our young children are exposed to this on numerous levels.

I bet they know more about sex than most of the adults that surround them.

I also think another huge contributing factor to sex and our youth is cell phones and text messaging. It is so different to talk to each other about sex through text messages. No reality there. There is no person to person connecting. It is scary and super sad how technology is desensitizing our youth. Murder, robbery, sex and drugs. It is so prevalent through technology that there is no real mystery to anything, nor fear of anything.

Sex sells and it is affective our youth in a way we should all be afraid of.